Open Data Workflow
Open Data Workflow
Contact Server Admin (Andy Fitch) to request credentials for ArcGIS Portal and Server connection
1. Nominate dataset (Coordinator/Staffer)
2. Prepare dataset
- Remove any unnecessary fields – for vector data, at a minimum, make them not visible in the map.
- For vector data, consider changing field names and aliases to the clearest possible names with 10 characters or less. Open Data will make the data downloadable as a shapefile, which will truncate field names.
- If necessary, project the data to Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (EPSG:3857)
- Check 'Store relative pathnames to the data sources' in Map Properties.
- Inform Data Custodian when data and map are ready
Data Custodian (Angie Wei)
- Copy vector data and map to server gisage1p-solo
- Compress and copy raster data to Amazon S3
3. Add dataset to ArcGIS Portal (Data Custodian)
a. Add map as map image layer
- Folder connections for FGDB data and MXD storage: [\\gisage1p-solo\agspublish|\\gisage1p-solo\agspublish]
- In ArcMap, File->Share as->Service, publish map to server https://gis.chesapeakebay.net/ags/admin . Change service name and location. Go to Pooling->Specify 'Minimum number of instances per machine' as 0. Keep other settings as default.
- In ArcGIS Pro, connect to Portal : https://gis.chesapeakebay.net/portal. Share -> Web Layer, Change service name and location, Add Summary and Tags. Keep other settings as default.
- Share published item with ArcGIS Portal Group for Coordinator/Staffer
- Inform Coordinator/Staffer after map published and ready for metadata editing
b. Add shapefiles or feature class as hosted feature layer
- Folder connections for FGDB: [\\gisage1p-solo\agspublish|\\gisage1p-solo\agspublish]
- In ArcGIS Pro, connect to Portal : https://gis.chesapeakebay.net/portal Share->Web Layer, Change service name and location, Add Summary and Tags. Data: Copy all data, Layer Type: Feature Keep other settings as default.
- Note: To publish as hosted feature layer in AGOL, use the connection https://chesbay.maps.arcgis.com/ instead. The rest of the process in this step stays the same.
c. Add URLs to online services/rasters/documents etc.
Note: Rasters will be added as link to FTP site or URL to external resources.
- Login to ArcGIS Enterprise https://gis.chesapeakebay.net/portal
- Content -> My Content -> Add Item -> From Web
d. Add local spreadsheets
- Login to ArcGIS Enterprise https://gis.chesapeakebay.net/portal
- Content -> My Content -> Add Item -> From My computer
- Check the box 'Publish as a hosted layer'
- If Latitude and Longitude included in spreadsheet, Locate features 'by Coordinates', and verify Location fields.
- If Latitude and Longitude not included, Choose 'None, add as table'
e. Add local documents etc.
- Login to ArcGIS Enterprise https://gis.chesapeakebay.net/portal
- Content -> My Content -> Add Item -> From My computer
4. Add metadata in ArcGIS Portal (Coordinator/Staffer)
- Login to ArcGIS Enterprise https://gis.chesapeakebay.net/portal
- Add detailed description and thumbnail at the item page.
- Import metadata or enter detailed metadata if possible.
- Dataset Title: This is the name of the dataset. Give the dataset an accurate and precise title. Spell out abbreviations and acronyms. Do not use all caps. The title should be comprehensible to the general public.
- Brief Description: Briefly describe the dataset, including the format and source of the data. This is the only large text field in the metadata, so it also serves as a catchall for other information about the dataset. This is the best place to spell out data collection, reporting, updating procedures, and workflows.
- Tags/Keywords: Enter tags or keywords associated with the dataset. The more tags entered, the easier it is for users to find the dataset. Keywords can include the name of the agency, topics, subject areas, and programs.
- Category (Optional): Categorize the dataset from the dropdown of available categories. If the dataset falls into more than one category, use best judgement on which is most relevant.
- Or Import from FGDC standard xml
- Inform Data Custodian when completed
5. Share ArcGIS Portal item as dataset in Open Data (Data Custodian)
- Login to ArcGIS Enterprise https://gis.chesapeakebay.net/portal
- Change item owner to 'cbpageadmin'
- Share published item with Everyone and Open Data Group
- Login to ArcGIS online https://chesbay.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html as 'ChesapeakeBayProgram'
- Go to 'Open Data' folder. Share synced item with Everyone
, multiple selections available,